

develop diary:
2020/7/4 14:23:56, writing the title words:
    " is newest website of"

    1st version was based on daunght game.
    and was the mindthing presents as msg flow.
    which sending betwenn local and webserver.
    (now to starting the programing from 1st line writing.)

14:38:36, msg program based texts send eachother,
    not need graph interface.

21:08:50, draw a board in middle of the top.
2020/7/5 11:58:16, newest draught board painted success,:
    attach the draught rules and ui interface connecting...

2020/7/6 22:01:14, draught.js alphano version was finished.
    paint golden & silver ring on pieces.

2020/7/7 9:00:15, random alphano is running with some painting error.
    09:53, 1st auto match finished, not recording steps.
    10:57, lost check & clear debug msg only console output.
    16:51, recording & replay is working now, start to recAI.